身為一個資深美食部落客,喜歡透過文字和照片記錄生活,每次朋友都會問說,水晶~吃什麼?後來乾脆寫下來,讓你們問個夠XD 想吃中式美食、韓式料理、美美的餐酒館、網美餐廳、咖啡店、街邊小吃,通通都有!也有國外美食等著你來挖掘!
As a seasoned food blogger, I enjoy documenting life through words and photographs. Every time my friends ask, “Crystal, what are you eating?” I decided to compile a list to satisfy your curiosity! Whether you’re craving Chinese cuisine, Korean dishes, chic wine bars, Instagram-worthy restaurants, cozy cafes, or street-side snacks, I’ve got them all covered! There’s also a world of international cuisine waiting for you to explore!