原本是肉食主義者,從來沒有想過會開啟「吃素」這趟旅程,在探索吃素的過程中發現其實吃素一點都不難,台灣現在也有許多精緻素食料理,和過往吃素等於不好吃的印象相去甚遠,希望能夠透過介紹更多吃素的美好,分享美味的蔬食餐廳,和水晶一起吃素愛地球,降低碳排放,甲菜最讚啦!蔬食也是可以吃的很美味又健康der!I used to be a carnivore and never imagined embarking on a “vegetarian” journey. But during my exploration of vegetarianism, I discovered that adopting a vegetarian lifestyle isn’t challenging at all. In Taiwan, there’s a flourishing array of refined vegetarian cuisine, a far cry from the misconception that vegetarian equals tasteless. Through sharing the beauty of vegetarianism, I aim to highlight delectable plant-based dining experiences. With Crystal by my side, I’m embracing vegetarianism to love our planet, reduce carbon emissions, and find the yummiest veggie dishes! Trust me, vegetarian food can be both delicious and nutritious – a wonderful treat for the palate and the earth! 🌱🌍🥗
自從近期開始愛上吃素後,感覺身體變得非常輕盈,吃飯找餐廳時也會下意識的搜尋「蔬食料理」,會知道 有麵子蔬食料理,是碰巧在中山國中捷運站附近上動物溝通課,老師因為熱愛動物,也不願小動物受到傷害,因此開始吃素,也經由老師的推薦才認識有麵子蔬食料理 這麼棒的素食料理!如果最近也想要嘗試輕盈又美味的素食料理,很適合來吃 有麵子蔬食料理
地址:台北市中山區錦州街404號 (近捷運中…