Master Cleanse,檸檬楓糖排毒法,是一種綜合的身心靈排毒方法,透過把身體的髒污排除,讓腸道、身心靈獲得淨化,也能夠提升感知,食譜非常簡單容易取得,只要準備楓糖漿、卡宴辣椒粉、檸檬,就可以完成這趟神奇的旅程,這個方法已有數百年的歷史,並且有助於清除身體毒素,讓身體更輕盈,提升精神專注力,進行 Master Cleanse 可以幫助提高能量、增強焦點和意識,建立健康的飲食習慣。簡單又有效的方法,啟動身心靈之旅,實現全面的健康提升,體驗過後的轉變帶來許多省思,透過身體的覺察,讓自己更加了解自己,非常推薦體驗一次!The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemon Maple Syrup Detox, is a comprehensive mind-body-spirit detoxification method. By eliminating toxins from the body, it purifies the intestines and rejuvenates the entire being. This approach heightens perception, and its recipe is simple and easily accessible—just prepare maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemons to embark on this magical journey. With a history spanning centuries, the method aids in purging bodily toxins, resulting in a lighter body and improved mental clarity. Engaging in the Master Cleanse enhances energy, focus, and awareness, fostering healthy dietary habits. This simple yet effective method initiates a journey of holistic well-being, achieving comprehensive health improvement. The transformation after experiencing it brings profound introspection. Through heightened bodily awareness, one gains deeper self-understanding. Highly recommended for an enlightening experience!